Wednesday, May 14, 2014

The Luhond Gazette, July 13, 2535

Vandals Hit Flower Show

    The 12th Annual Flower and Garden Show has been marred by vandals. On the night of July 10, one or more persons entered the Exhibit Hall by unknown means, kicked apart the tub one exhibit was in, and dragged it out the door. The vandals down the door as they departed. A watchman was on duty at the time. He was found unconscious, and it appears the vandals stunned him with magic or an unknown drug. A spokesman for Police Commissioner Surdin told the Gazette that the police are concentrating heir efforts among students at the Royal Library and the Wizards Hall. "These criminals may have been clever enough to enter without leaving traces," said one constable, "but they left clews in plenty as they departed. I hope they enjoy their posy, because there are non in the Stone Pillow."
    The exhibit is an Abarthian Creeping Rose. It is 7-8" tall with vine-like branches growing from a thick central stem. Each branch has several brilliant red blossoms which resemble roses. It was provided the snow by Zosara Hamick, a horticultalist of Sembly. Mrs. Hamick found the Rose last winter when her ship was forced to put in on the Abarthian coast. Mrs. Hamick said, "I am appalled by the senseless theft or even destruction of a helpless plant."
    The Ladies Sponsor of the show voted Mrs. Hamick a special consolation prize. 

Temple Ward Wins Scholarship

    Thomas Meacham, 18, a Ward of the Temple of Azrath, has been awarded this years Crown Prize for Advanced Study. The Prize will pay Mr. Meacham's tuition at the Royal Library, as well as a stipend. It is awarded each year to the young man or woman who shows the most promise as a scholar from among those nominated. Candidates are judged on their schoolwork and on a written and oral test. Many of the winners have later distinguished themselves for learning. Mr. Meacham has trained as a Fighter. He intends to study military history and strategy, and to pursue a career in the Temple's regimens. 

Citizens' Group Protests

    On July 6 a group of citizens from the Dockside district met with Police Commissioner Surdin. They were protesting activities at a social club in their neighborhood. The group says the "high Heart Club" is a public nuisance. They complined of loud raucous music played late at night, the public drunkenness of patrons, frequent brawls in the streets, harassment of passer-by, particularly ladies, unlicensed gambling and of corrupting minors. The group also says the club is being used as a front for illegal activities such as drug selling. 
    Social clubs differ from taverns in that the entry is limited to members. Social clubs are free of the regular  places on taverns. However, many purported "social clubs have very liberal membership rules, allowing them to operate as taverns while evading the restrictions. 
    Jyles Danter, owner of the High Heart Club, said, "This is the Thantisties' doing. I'e been here 4 years and nobody said a word. Then they come in, out to 'purify' the neighborhood, and suddenly I'm a villain. hey needed a threat to preach about and they picked me. At least I get my money from pleasing folk, and don't cozen it out of windows and poor people."
    Abelard Mull of the Temple of Thantis said, Thantis opposes whatever is degrading to human spirit. No wonder Mr. Dantler thinks we're after him. We are."

Debate Planned

    The Temple of Arn and Azrath will sponsor a debate in Assembly Square on July 18. Admission is free to the public. The topic will be, "Resolved: That the spiritual nature of Man is self-evident." The clerics of Azrath will support the resolution, and those of Arn will dispute it. The merits of each presentation will be judged by the Debating Society of Sembly. his question was previously argues in 2530 and drew lively and enlightening comments from both sides. 
    While the formal debate is being judges, the audience will be invited to speak on the resolution and voice their thoughts. The Debating Society will pay cash prized for Lucid and original commentaries. 

1 comment:

  1. A little background information; these are accounts published as part of a shared world back in the 1980's and 90's. Most of them were written by Jeff May and published in a "broadsheet" style.
    Luhond was a region made up of several independent countries attempting to resist the encroachment of the Korandi Empire. They had lost three countries about a century before.
    The Gazette was used to throw out plot hooks, gossip and general information to the players. Guess which ones were which in this issue.
